HunConsult Belgium
Hunconsult Belgium
HunConsult Belgium provides assistance to Hungarians and others living, studying and/or working in Belgium with respect to any public administrative, economic or legal matter.
We are well aware that official administration can be frustrating, time-consuming and is often hampered by obstacles triggered by bureaucracy. This experience is multiplied when being in a foreign country without local knowledge and without speaking the language.
Our goal is to assist private individuals and companies/enterprises wishing to settle or to set up a company/self-employed status in Belgium based on information obtained from reliable, authentic and verified sources. We are pleased to help you with any other administrative matter related to the country of origin and Belgium.
We commit to research the available sources and information in relation to the matters to be resolved and after interpretation of the obtained information we assist you in the administrative process.

We offer consultancy services and assistance in the following administrative matters (non-exclusive list) for:

Private individuals
- local government-related administrative matters (place of residence, certifications, extracts, driving licence, citizenship, marital status, parking permit);
- vehicle registration, obtaining number plate;
- banking and property related queries;
- insurance, public utility service providers related administration;
- social care, child care, invalidity;
- diploma naturalisation, education;
- employment, trade union, pension related administration;
- and any other matters;
- assistance in starting up as self-employed, company foundation;
- business correspondence;
- assistance in matters related to accounting, tax office, finance matters;
- legal matters, consultation in front of a lawyer/notary public;
- correspondence and communication with judicial authorities;
- and any other matters.
To facilitate the smooth management of the administrative procedure we offer specialised translation, sworn/certified translation and interpretation services (Hungarian-Dutch, Hungarian-English, Hungarian-French) as well as liaison with third parties such as attorney, accountant, notary and public administrative services.

Who we are

Professional background:
- specialised translator, sworn translator in Hungary, proof-reader, language tutor, freelance conference interpreter;
- European Union studies, economist (Hungarian degree);
- real estate agent qualification; extensive experience in the field of selling and renting, subletting properties in Europe and in Belgium;
- Hungarian, English, German and Dutch /mother tongue Hungarian and English/.

Professional background:
- sworn and community interpreter and translator in Belgium, language tutor, freelance conference interpreter;
- Master in Law (Hungarian degree), postgraduate LL.M (Belgian degree), certification sworn and community interpreter and translator (Hungarian and Dutch);
- communication trainer, consultant;
- Hungarian, English, Dutch and French /mother tongue Hungarian and Dutch.
You can contact us by e-mail:
or fill in the form to send us a message.
Andrea Plested-Karikás:
Hella Povázsay: